Does it not fill our hearts with a thrilling excitement to think that the costly disciplines and lonely agonies that make up our earthly discipleship may at any moment, and without any warning, be transformed into everlasting splendours that like of which we can scarcely conceive, let alone understand?  
James Philip

All instructor manuals have the same table of contents, yet all have different information specific to middle school, high school, and adult students, respectively. Instructors may want to insert the colored instructor pages into their student book. 

Chapter 1--The Case for Discipleship
Chapter 2--Defining the Need
Chapter 3--Setting the Standard
Chapter 4--Practical Details for Success
Chapter 5--Getting Started
Chapter 6--General Lesson Instructions
Chapter 7--Specific Lesson Instructions

There is plenty of blank space on each lesson for the instructor to make his/her own notes. Additional copies of the checklist at the back of the instructor's manual may be made as needed. Please use this or something similar to help hold your group members accountable for their assignments. Using a checklist will help you see patterns that, with early intervention, can result in student success rather than failure that may occur if problems are left too long before being addressed (getting behind on memory verses, etc.).  

While some of the suggestions in the instructor's manuals may seem strict, experience has shown you will have the most success if you carefully follow these guidelines.  

Committing to regular instructor meetings is also very important to help instructors continue to grow as disciples, gain prayer support/encouragement from the group leader and other instructors, and to have group input/support in dealing with problems that may arise in individual discipleship groups. 
The authors of this curriculum will be praying for you as an instructor. They pray you will be encouraged as, in time, you begin to see the fruit of your labor in changed lives fully rooted in Christ and making a difference in another generation. The authors pray you will realize there is no limit to God's power (Numbers 11:23), miracles, and wonders (Psalm 66:5, Psalm 77:14a).